
Guidance and Counseling
We are so excited to be able to work with your student. We services the students in many ways through out the year. Below are a few of the ways we service the students at Dodge Elementary:
- Whole group guidance lessons. We visit classrooms every other week.
- Small group lessons
- Individualized lessons
The parents of dodge are also very important to us. We always want you to be informed. To ensure parents are on the same page we will provide the following to our parents:
- Counseling program brochure. You can find this on the website or in the front office.
- Monthly calendar of events that involve guidance
- Monthly character words are shared on the announcements daily
We are available for parent meetings or contact any day after 1:00 p.m. Please email us if you need to set up an appointment.
Mr. Sullivan's Schedule

Miss Newman's Schedule

Community Resources